Thursday, February 15, 2007


The beginning of a New Year is the time when we think and plan and wonder what it will hold for us. Will it be a better or worse year than the last? Will it be easy or hard going financially? Will it be mere existence or exciting? Some who are financially stretched look with envy on those who are well endowed with this world's goods and chattels and waste time on wishful thinking.
But let's play pretend. Say your Banker had phoned you on Friday to say that he had good news for you. A person who wishes to remain anonymous will deposit each morning 86,400 cents into your account starting day after tomorrow, Monday. That is $864 per day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. He added that there was one stipulation. You must spend all the money the same day. No balance would be carried over to the next day. Each evening the Bank would cancel whatever sum you fail to use. With a wide grin you thanked the Bank Manager and hung up. You have only one weekend to plan and suddenly this becomes your number one priority. You grab a pencil and paper and start figuring.
$864 times 7 will give you over $6,000 per week; times 52 will give almost $315,000 per year available to you "IF" you are diligent to spend it each day.
Remember, whatever you don't spend is forfeited!
So much for let's pretend.
Now let's get serious. Every morning you are granted a deposit in your Bank of Time, 86,400 seconds of time which represents 1440 minutes which, of course, equals 24 hours a day. Now you've got to remember the same stipulation applies because you can spend only this amount of time each day. There is no such thing as a 26-hour day even though some of us wish it could be.
Someone said, "Life is like a coin - you can spend it anyway you want to but you can spend it only once."
It's the same whether we are flat broke or the richest man on earth, young or old, single or married, employed or without a job, an adolescent or the Prime Minister. We have exactly the same amount of time.
Now let's get "really" serious. How about applying the same principles to your weekly or fortnightly income. You get a certain amount credited to your Bank account each period and even though you don't lose it if you don't spend it, the same diligence should be applied in using your time wisely to plan your spending for the ensuing twelve months.
If you are too busy to plan . . . you are just too busy! Don't let the urgent take precedence over the important. Don't suffer the tyranny of others' expectations. Get in the driving seat and this year make your dreams and plans come true. But remember that "Time is the World's Most Precious Commodity." Don't waste it, use it wisely otherwise you will end up saying,
"Today is the Tomorrow I Worried about Yesterday."